Sunan at-Tirmithiy كتاب الوصايا
Sa‘d Ibn-Abī-Waqqāṣ said, "I became very ill during the year of The Conquest [of Makkah] (1), and I was on the brink of death. The Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, came to visit me and I asked him, ‘Messenger of God, I have a considerable wealth, and I do not have any heirs other than my daughter. Should I bequeath all of my wealth [to charity]?’ He replied, ‘No.’ 'Two-thirds of my wealth, then?’ I asked. He replied, ‘No.’ ‘So, half of my wealth?’ I asked. He replied, ‘No.’ So, I asked, ‘One-third?’ He replied, ‘One-third; and one-third is a lot. Leaving your inheritors with wealth is certainly better than leaving them dependant and begging from others. Indeed, you do not spend anything [for the sake of God] without being rewarded for it, even [if it is] a morsel that you put in your wife’s mouth.’ I lamented, ‘Messenger of God, I will be left behind after my hijrah.'(2) He replied, ‘Indeed, staying behind after me, doing [good] deeds for the sake of God, will only elevate you and raise you in rank. Perhaps you are being left behind so that some people will benefit from you and others will be harmed by you. O God, complete the hijrah of my Companions and do not turn them back on their heels.' However, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, lamented the wretched Sa‘d Ibn-Khawlah who died in Makkah [before migrating to Madīnah]." (3) Footnotes: (1) Most scholars agree that the narrator meant The Farewell Pilgrimage of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, not the year of The Conquest of Makkah because the narrator had no children at that time. (2) The migration from Makkah to Madīnah. In this instance it refers to the return to Madīnah after the Conquest. (3) It is recommended that a person not bequeath more than one-third of his legacy to charity. Some scholars prefer even less than this amount since the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, “... and one-third is a lot.” Click on ḥadīth to read more
ʻAbdullāh Ibn-Abī-Awfā was asked, "Did the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, bequeath anything?" He replied, "No." Then he was asked, "What was written in his will and what did he enjoin upon people?" ʻAbdullāh replied, "He bequeathed the Book of God." Click on ḥadīth to read more
The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, in his sermon in the year of the Farewell pilgrimage, said, "Indeed, God has granted every rightful person their rights, thus, there is no bequest to an heir. A child's paternity is determined by the [marital] bed, while an adulterer has only stones (1) and all are accountable to God. Whoever claims paternity from someone other than his (2) father or ascribes to those other than his manumitters (3), is eternally cursed by God, until the Day of Resurrection. A wife is not to spend from her husband's property without his permission." He was asked, "Messenger of God, not even food?" He replied, "That is the best of our wealth." Then he added, "Loans must be repaid, grants must be returned, debts must be paid off and guarantors are liable." Footnotes: (1) Scholars differed over whether this means that an adulterer is entitled to nothing (stones) or whether it means punishment by stoning. (2) Masculine pronouns are generally used in Arabic as a means for referring to both men and women when the meaning is left general and is not otherwise specified. (3) Slavery existed throughout the known world at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him. Islām encouraged freeing slaves and gave them certain rights as members of the household. Click on ḥadīth to read more
‘Amr Ibn-Khārijah said, "The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, gave a sermon while on his she-camel and I was underneath the front part of its neck; it was swallowing its cud, and its saliva was dripping down between my shoulders. I heard him say, "Indeed, God has granted every rightful person their rights; there is no bequest to an heir. A child's paternity is determined by the [marital] bed while an adulterer has only stones. Whoever claims paternity from a man other than his father, or ascribes to those other than his manumitters (1), thus renouncing them, is cursed by God. God does not accept the expenditure or compensation of such a person." Footnotes: (1) Slavery existed throughout the known world at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him. Islām encouraged freeing slaves and gave them certain rights as members of the household. Click on ḥadīth to read more